am staying in St. John's!!!!
all of you people's Kenny is doing great, his truck is breaking down so he
couldn't make it
to church on Sunday he lives over 15 miles out of town. we had another baptism
this week his name is Michael. He is an awesome hippy dude. He said "man
he's a cool cat." Or he says "hey little brother, bring it in"
when he talks to me he calls me little brother and always gives me a hug after
the lessons!!! He got baptized this week. And confirmed Sunday!!
of y'all who think Doberman's are these lovely nice cute doggies can think
again and eat dirt!! I was hauling down this one street on my bike and this dog
came up and was running along side me well I am nice and good natured so I was
like hey he likes me. "Good doggy good doggy" I said and as I was
talking to him he started barking and growling
loudly and he went for my leg with his teeth and I peddled a little faster so
his teeth sank through my pants and I felt his teeth touch my skin and felt and
heard the ripping of my.......pants!!!! Hahahha he only got my pants and not my
leg but his teeth grazed my leg. You can imagine what happened after that!!!! I
screamed SHOOT!!!!! And kicked my bike into gear 3 and 7 the highest gears on the
bike and hauled butt down the road thinking "there ain't no way this
stupid dog gonna bite me." I flew past my companion who was in front of me
and he looked back saw the dog and was like uh oh!! So we both went flying down
the street. And lost the dog that was a fiend!!! I'll write some poetry on the
dog and send it next week.
transfer news was yesterday I found out that I am staying in my area. so by the
end of this transfer I will have been in Saint John's for 6 months.
what?! We got a truck for 2 days out of the week. We don't have to bike in our
480+ sq. miles area if this miracle didn't occur we would never touch as much
as we could with a car. The truck sucks though. It is a Nissan Frontier. But
still we gots a truck.
I don't have much to say other than I got hurt on me leg. A 1000 pound tire one
of the ones the earth movers use. the tire was 7 feet tall an 29 inches
wide and it fell on my legs and had me trapped. I sat with my legs smashed
under the tire for like 1 minute before I called for help there were only 2
people there doing service. A member and my comp. my comp is a big boy and he
has what me and him call fat guy strength. They came running over tripping over
tires and falling and got to me as fast as they could. They lifted it up a
quarter of an inch and I slid my right leg out. Then they put it back down on
my left leg that was still stuck. then tried over and over to pick it back
up so he ran to the truck and grabbed a shovel they dug where my leg was and I
pulled really hard when they picked up the tire with all they had an only could
lift the tire half an inch off the ground enough for me to slide my leg out. I
was free. My leg is fine I had a limp for a few days and it is doing fine now.
love y'all talk toya later
~ Elder Walker
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Michael's Baptism |
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Our Area (St Johns AZ to New Mexico Boarder) |