Hahahaha like my subject?!?! I am doing quite well here in
Cibecue. 2 weeks ago we spent the least amount of money on food I think we will
ever spend. We spent less than $50 on a weeks worth of food for 4 men.
So conference was fantastic we got to do service for a man named
Darwyn. He is not open to the Book of Mormon at all, anyways we did service
with him on Saturday afternoon before the 2nd session of general conference. We finished at 1 o'clock but when the 2nd session was starting we asked if he would like
us to watch conference with him and his family. Well guess what?!?! He said
yes!!! So we watched it with him and his family and afterward he said he liked
it and enjoyed it. His less active wife Kelly gave an enthusiastic thumbs up!! She really enjoyed it (especially the talk by Elder Holland)!! Wasn't
that a great talk?!?!
I too would like to focus on mothers just as Elder Holland
I'd like to give a tribute to all the moms out there, you know
all of you out there are like my other moms. You are supportive of me and I love
you all. Mothers you all are very special and do sooooooo much more than you
think you do. You know you may not realize how much you do but take this little example: when a little
kid comes home from school and you make him or her something to eat, that means
the world to them even though it was a very small thing you did!! I mean the
little kid is thinking "I'm starving!!! Awwwww!!!! Mommy made me a
samwich!!! I love my mommy." I just love all the moms back home: Brenda Hick, Sue Carlisle, Janalee Morgan, Cresta, Cheryl, Jill, Ethyl,
Deann, (sorry if I spelled any of your names wrong) to just name a FEW. There
are soooooo many mothers out there who deserve to be loved and appreciated. For everyone who is not a mom - I say to you and give you this council, help your
mom, do service for her, sweep the floor, clean the dishes or the bathroom,
help her cook food, and do all this without being asked because moms are some
of the hardest working people on the entire earth!!! Love your mom by telling her you love her but more important than that, SHOW her that you love her by the things you do
to help her, and let her know that she is loved and appreciated.
Now a little tribute to Fathers. I wrote a poem. It is a poem about love. Love and devotion
of a wife. I'll let the poem do the rest of the talking.
Love is spelled time - By Cody Walker
Months go by like hours
And years pass on like days
Just like how seeds grow into flowers
Before you know it, you're old and gray
And your child has children and they have their own
And everyone is talking but you don't know what they say
For you are too old to see and to hear
And your life is slipping away
But you don't need to worry at all my dear friend
For you have your wife near and dear to you still
She will help you along and bring you back to the path
If you get lost or fall astray on your way
She will lift you up and hold your hand
And will stay with you through struggle and strife
So count yourself lucky my dear old friend
Love her, yes love your wife,
for if nothing else on this entire earth
She is and should be your whole life.
Mothers out there I cannot thank you enough, Grandma Lee and Grandma Walker - I love you both soooooooo very much. I love you with all of my
heart!!! I cannot describe through words how much I love you, for it would
sound cheesy and cliché. Just know that I would and will do anything and
everything that you need or want me to do!!!
Aunt Lou I love you soooooo very much. I love going to your place
in Pennsylvania. I wrote a poem about the way I feel when I'm out at your house in
the spring.
Spring - By Cody Walker
'Tis springtime at last
The flowers are growing
with their roots running deep
The birds are singing in the brisk morning breeze
The grass is growing and getting greener each day
'Tis springtime, 'Tis springtime
The earth seems to say
The days are just right not too hot or too cold
And the clovers and weeds all begin to grow
They shoot up and spread just like wildfires
The Dogs bark and the crazy cocks crow
'Tis a blessed time to lay and nap under a tree
'Tis springtime, 'Tis springtime, 'Tis springtime indeed
I love writing poetry because it captures deep powerful human
emotions through the power of words.
Next week I shall share my poem on poetry!!
Well everyone, review notes from conference and read and re-read
the talks when they come out. The prophets and apostles are very wise men and
you can learn a lesson of a lifetime from them!!
Everyone - remember to love your moms. Show them you love them by
word AND by DEED it's like the saying, "Actions speak louder than words"!!! Once
again I love you all and appreciate the support you give me!!!
Now go out and do as I am doing. Go out and do missionary work!!!
And remember to email
me all of you people. I want to hear what's going on back home at all your homes. My aunts, uncles, family and friends and yes the people in my home ward Highland
7th. What's going on there?
That is all I have to say this week. Sorry it is soooo long but I
have had all this on my mind.
~ Elder Walker
Me after giving service in the rain (Cibecue, AZ) |