Monday, September 7, 2015

September 7, 2015 Cibecue and Speaking

Hey guys guess what? I gave a talk in sacrament the talk was about families 

Today I wanted to talk about families families can be eternal we are all part of a family we were a family up in heaven and we have a family now just like we have heavenly parents who want us to return to live with them and earthly parents who love us and want what's best for us and want to see us succeed in life as well as be happy. 
Lots of people believe that family relationships end at death but we know that family relationships endure beyond the grave. In the family a proclamation to the world it says "sacred ordinances and covenants in holy temples make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for families to be united eternally." Isn't that awesome?

God gave Adam and Eve the commandment to multiply and replenish the earth. That commandment remains in force today. God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation or the ability to make and have children are to be only done between man and woman lawfully wedded as husband and wife. 

So let's talk about some responsibilities of members of the family. In the family a proclamation to the world it says "Husband and wife have a responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. Parents have a sacred duty to raise their in love and righteousness to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law abiding citizens wherever they live. Husbands and wives will be held accountable for the discharge of these obligations."

So it says husbands and wife's are to raise and teach their children righteousness. Let's talk about spiritual growth. Just as our body's need food and substance to survive physically our souls need the gospel of Jesus Christ to survive spiritually our souls are nourished by whatever speaks of Christ, talks about Christ, and testifies of Christ. Teaching that nourishes he soul will uplift others, build their faith, and give them strength and confidence to overcome life's trials and challenges. It motivates them to confess and forsake sin it leads to repentance or change which is the second point in the gospel of Jesus Christ. It will lead them to come unto Christ, call upon his name through fervent prayer, obey his commandments, love him, and love as he would love.

The husbands and fathers are to preside over the family they have the responsibility to provide a living for the family to provide the necessities of of life and protection for their families. Mothers are to care for and love and nurture their children. 

So mothers you should be home to care for your children and love and help them. Spend time with them because to a child love is spelled time. Fathers you need to go provide a living for your families and work hard IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!!! The responsibility of moms is to be home for the kids, and be there and the dad is to go out and work hard so that his wife doesn't have to go out and work hard and sacrifice. that is what us men should be doing. Now all you children this part is for you. You have the responsibility to listen to your parents and to do what they ask without complaining and to help one another out. Families are extremely important and we should all love each other. strengthened success in the family will come from building your faith, praying as a family both morning and evening, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work and wholesome activities. So let's strengthen our families.

In the family a proclamation to the world it says "Those who violate covenants of chastity, who abuse spouse or offspring, or who fail to fulfill family responsibilities will one day stand accountable before God." 

Men let us go out into the workforce I cannot wait until I have a family one day I will do all in my power and also call upon God to help me do all I can to provide for my family. I will one day have an extremely beautiful wife (named Taylor) ;D and she will care for our children while I work to provide for her it is my responsibility and I will also do it because of my unshakable love for her and my children! 

How blessed we are to be able to have  families  to have people we can turn to in our time of need, in our times of trouble. Let us be strong families and always strengthening our relationship with each other and with God and also let us strengthen our testimonies. 

I'd like to close by bearing my testimony that God is our Heavenly Father and he loves us so much that he has given us families. He has given us someone to turn to for help. I know that aimother loves me and wants me to be the best I can I love my dad who works extremely hard so that we can pay the bills to our house and have food on our shelves and in our cupboards and so that we can have clothes on our body's. I know that the gospel will strengthen families it will I have seen it in my life! I know that the Book of Mormon is another book of scripture and that Jesus Christ is the savior of our world he suffered for you and he died for you so that you can come to live with God and your families again. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.  

I added the named Taylor part just in this email (I didn’t actually say her name when I gave my talk)

So haha well hmmm we have a lot of work to do in Cibecue we have over 300 members and only 75 are active so there is a lot to do we just put 4 people on date and we have 3 new investigators well Ashley's email said that she had 8 member presents or something like that well haha where we are almost all are members are the ones being taught. 

Well guys we had the tribal fair where we had a booth set up for people to win a really really nice picture of Jesus Christ.

We also have bugs and some creepy crawlies here. I took some pics of a little guy that was soooo fat and a zucchini that was sooooo big but for some reason my pictures won’t load today so you’ll just have to take my word for it.

We also made a pizza with refried beans, velveeta mac n cheese, hamburger and él pato. It was soooooo good!!!!!  Eating this good food is probably why I look the way I do! ;)

Love your fat son…Elder Walker - I'm out.

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