Monday, September 28, 2015

September 28, 2015 Quotes Of The Week

No Time to write this week But wanted to share one of my favorite quotes.  It’s from President Ezra Taft Benson.  He said, “Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds.  There must be labor, incessant and constant, if there is to be a harvest.”

Remember that in everything you do!

Have a good week!

Elder Walker

Surprise - I actually got to write more this week!  The little quote I shared earlier was what I wrote on Monday but today (Tuesday) I got to write a longer email.  Cibecue is going great!  This week was super awesome. We had 7 on date for baptism.  One didn't make it so he is just an investigator but we got 2 more which means we lost one and gained two! That was definitely a blessing from the Lord!!!

So everyone- Just want you to know there are no better people on the entire earth than the
Apache people. They are super cool and nice.  They are just great people who I have come to love.

I can’t believe that I have been out 3 months!!! Time just goes by soooo fast!!! So to all of you who are thinking of serving a mission I say to you go out and serve.  Serve with all your heart because time goes by sooo fast.  I came across this quote I really like.  It says, “true happiness comes from bringing joy into other people's lives”.  I have a challenge for all of you, president Ezra Taft Benson said “flood the world with the Book of Mormon” so my challenge for you is to get copies of the Book of Mormon and do missionary work.  I promise if you do this, you will have joy come into your lives and the people will also have joy come into their lives as well.

Really quick, I wanted to give you an update on one of my favorite things to eat and tell you how to make it!  Anyone that knows me – knows I love food!  I am on a fry bread hype.  Fry bread is a classic native food made of flour, baking powder and salt.  After making a dough you flatten it out (sort of like you're making a scone).  After that you put it in the grease and cook it until it's golden brown - then flip it and when it turns golden brown it’s done.  Then let the excess oil drip off and top it with mashed up beans and cheese.  It's really good!!!  The only bad thing is…it’s probably really bad for you but I don’t care.  I ate it for dinner 2 nights ago, for breakfast yesterday and then I had tortillas for lunch then made fry bread again for dinner last night! 

I wanted to end by sharing something exciting that happened in the mission.  We had 120 people come to our branch on Sunday!!!  That is a huge number!!!!  Our building is meant to hold 60 people and we usually get 70 so 120 is huge!!!!  I know that that number will continue to increase because the Lord has work for us to do and I know through the Lord - all things are possible!

I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world and that through Him all things are possible.  I know that I am nothing but through Him I can work great and mighty miracles.

Elder C. Walker


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