This week has been good all less
active work is strange if we get a referral we send it to the other
missionaries in the ward there are 6 missionaries in the 2 ward I am serving in
we all cover both wards. So this week has been good and I love my mission!!!! I
am almost a year out that is super sad to think about!!!! Mom I am SOOOOOOO
happy that I get to share the gospel with others. I know God lives. Me and my companion
Elder Warr say this transfer the story of the transfer will be prayer we must
pray and communicate with God seek to grow our relationship with him.
Now my
companion he is super cool he is half African American and half white. He is 5
foot 4 and 120 pounds he is a tough little guy!!!!! He loves to clean he works
really hard and we both like to get things done relying wholly on the lord and
God to give us strength and the spirit so that we may know what to do to best help the work in our area.
There are around 800 less actives in both wards combined so that
is 400 per ward that we have to go out and find to see if they are still there
and if they are interested if we get a not interested we will take Jeffery R Holland’s
advice and "be a little persistent, don't take no for an answer! My wife
has an Avon lady who is more persistent than you and she's just selling
Now is the time for missionaries and members to work together.
President Kimball said it how many times: "every member a missionary"
David A Bednar said "we as members of the church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints are full time finders the full time missionaries
are full time teachers" the age of tracking is over the time for members to
go find is here, the time for missionaries to teach and baptize throughout
their whole mission is here. Members do the finding and missionaries do the
Love Ya.
Elder Walker